
1. Revelation:

We would like to remind practitioners, elders, bosses and executives from all industries. If any unit claims to have commercial relations and links with Islamic countries or Middle Eastern countries, we would like to remind you that before negotiation, please ask the other party to show the country's chamber of commerce that has completed the international certification, documents and contracts, and then formally confirm the legal validity of the documents provided with the embassy or representative office of the country before starting the formal negotiation. The anti-fraud line in the Middle East: 0987-110-909, Majid Tsai (Islamic Imam)

2. Explanation of the Islamic Imam:

Imam in Islam means head or leader in the Muslim community, as the majority state system in Muslim countries is a unity of political and religion. In the implementation of Halal certification and related affairs, a formal imam must be involved in order to have local or international legal effect. We hope you all be able to understand and prevent you from wasting time and being deceived. In the future, whether it is personal or official, when Muslims explain to you the situation of Halal affairs, everyone has standards to make basic preliminary judgments. Therefore, we provide the most correct one relevant valid list is to identify the identity of the Imam, so except for those certified by the above list with international legal academic qualifications, basically any person or even the government who does not have these academic qualifications is not accepted by Islamic political and sharia law. Please present the graduation certificate of the school listed on the list and complete the international notarization process. There is no ambiguity in this matter. For example, any school or institution that is not on this list are not valid except for the Gulf region core countries. The above information of us can be verified by the core Islamic countries of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait.

Imam University Diploma in Arabic Version

Imam University Diploma Notarization Page

Iman University Diploma in English Version

Iman University Diploma Notarization Page

Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education recognized university list Page 1

Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education recognized university list Page 2

Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education recognized university list Page 3

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